Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What Am I Thinking???? (a sarcastic blog)

I am still losing steadily, although at a slower pace, at my work and the blog challenge. Today I get an e-mail from our top person in our "biggest loser challenge" at work inviting all of us to join a staff running club.

"That sounds fun," I say to myself. What was I thinking?

Most of these people are at a healthy weight, some are PE teachers, and many have been contiunally working out along the way. My workouts have been sporadic and inconsistant, to say the least.

We will be doing this at a "plateau", a national wildlife reserve up in the hills above our town. We are talking hills, inclines, rocks, gravel, dirt trails...and maybe some snakes or other critters if I am lucky! I am not sure what will happen on our first day on Saturday, but wish me luck!

I hope you are all losing slowly and steadily! :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I can do this!

I have lost 18 pounds since I began my journey. Phew! I am now seeing results which is really driving me more. I went out with friends on Friday night and had a salad and water. I have never done that before; normally I would eat all of the appetizers they ate and order a drink. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, even if the tunnel is long.

Also, the "Biggest Loser" challenge at work has got me pumped up!


Saturday, May 16, 2009


Although I used to compete in gymnastics as a teen, I did not realize how competitive I still am in my 40's. I am participating in a "biggest Loser" contest at work. The ending prize is $370, which right now tastes like chocolate cake to me. I am in 5th place this week after moving up from 6th last week, and 12th the first week.

I looked at the person in 1st place: he is younger, lost weight in the first challenge they did (which I did not participate in), lost 10 pounds or so, which to me, made him look very fit! I looked at my 100 pounds total weight I need to lose and thought, "If I need to lose that much, I can surely beat him." The more I have to lose, the more I will, and the closer to the prize I will get.
I have not worked out until this week. I have lost 10 pounds just with diet modification. If I add in work-outs, real work-outs, how much could I really lose per week? Do I really have a chance to win this? Either way, I win because I will weigh less, but I can taste the prize!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

7 pounds down

I was disappointed a few weeks ago when I only lost three pounds. Then I read an e-mail from my dr. She reminded us that it takes 3500 calories less to lose 1 pound! 3500 x 3 lbs= 10,500 calories burned or not consumed. Take that scale!

Monday, April 20, 2009


Two weeks and no posts. I have put on a few pounds and this is not ok with me! I have been painting and decorating on my Spring break which is really good for me and dieting.
Although that works well for me, I went to the Coachella Music and Arts Festival. Hot and not easy to diet at.... Water was $10. Seriously! I opted for the frozen lemonade instead... Not a great choice. Then there were pretzels... Instead of eating there, we ate Subway on the way, which was a good choice and did not eat dinner. The pretzel was a "dinner snack". By the time Paul McCartney was on, it was 10:30 pm. We left at 1:00 am and he was still playing! What a guy! On our way out we got a coke! Ahhh, liquid diet ruination!
The boys were camping in Ocotillo Wells, so we met them there instead of driving home. Camping is not great for healthy eating when I was not there to pack the food. Cokes are a big problem for me and I think I have actually addicted to them at several points in my life. So I think I had maybe 5 or 6 of them on Sat. and 3 on Sun. The horror! The calories and sugar!
I drank some detox tea on Sun. when I got home, drank a huge glass of water, ate some oatmeal for dinner, and took a fiber chew to get me started again!
It is back to work for me today, so I will be trapped in a classroom with only myself to help make my own choices!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Eight Pounds Gone

I actually weighed at the right time today and got a true weight reading. Eight pounds down from my starting weight this time!
I am redecorating a bathroom on my Spring break which is keeping me busy. Along with that I am repurposing (my new favorite word) some drapery panels from my family to the living room. Yeah me! I am going to sew them now to keep busy.
Kids are having fun with friends and making pizza soon too, so I need to go get something that will assure that I am not hungry when it starts smelling good!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Thoughts on Weight Loss and Creativity

Any time I am creative in my life, I seem to think less about food, and more about things that are really important. If I am busy with things like work, I am not satisfied. Creating seems to be the lifeblood of me and because of that, I need to get back to being myself.

Somewhere along the line, I lost my creative side in getting my new job started, going to school, taking care of the kids, etc. I need to create to feel whole. I am going to start painting again to see if that helps me. I have some sketches done, now I just need to put them in paint.

Decorating also makes me feel really whole. I need to redo a few rooms that have 8 year old paint and decor. Even moving things around makes me feel like I have been antiquing and found some really great bargains--free!

I have also been writing a few projects; a book and reading on screenplay writing. I begun a screenplay a few years ago before I started my master's and let it sit for two years. It is time to get back to it with my new knowledge about writing.

I think everyone should take up something new or do something old you love this time around and see if that helps you in your weight loss journey.

Sisters are doing it for themselves!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Four pounds down

I saw the lastest weigh in blog and dug out my scale. It's been a while since I have been actually checking my weight because I have been hiding my head in the sand. To my surprize, I was 4 lbs. down from last week. I am happy to be aware of it. For the past two years I have been working on a master's degree and had not had the time, stamina, nor the willpower to try to do anything about my extra, extra pounds.
Thank you for creating the challenge! I am so glad I found you and have been inspired to start again.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I'm Bringin'Body Back

Well, here I am trying to make a plea and promise myself to lose weight once and for all. It is a never-ending battle for me, which is ok if I am losing. Not losing is not an option for me at this point.
I have been sickened by my inability to control my eating habits, when I know I can and have done better.
More to come...