Saturday, May 16, 2009


Although I used to compete in gymnastics as a teen, I did not realize how competitive I still am in my 40's. I am participating in a "biggest Loser" contest at work. The ending prize is $370, which right now tastes like chocolate cake to me. I am in 5th place this week after moving up from 6th last week, and 12th the first week.

I looked at the person in 1st place: he is younger, lost weight in the first challenge they did (which I did not participate in), lost 10 pounds or so, which to me, made him look very fit! I looked at my 100 pounds total weight I need to lose and thought, "If I need to lose that much, I can surely beat him." The more I have to lose, the more I will, and the closer to the prize I will get.
I have not worked out until this week. I have lost 10 pounds just with diet modification. If I add in work-outs, real work-outs, how much could I really lose per week? Do I really have a chance to win this? Either way, I win because I will weigh less, but I can taste the prize!

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