Monday, April 20, 2009


Two weeks and no posts. I have put on a few pounds and this is not ok with me! I have been painting and decorating on my Spring break which is really good for me and dieting.
Although that works well for me, I went to the Coachella Music and Arts Festival. Hot and not easy to diet at.... Water was $10. Seriously! I opted for the frozen lemonade instead... Not a great choice. Then there were pretzels... Instead of eating there, we ate Subway on the way, which was a good choice and did not eat dinner. The pretzel was a "dinner snack". By the time Paul McCartney was on, it was 10:30 pm. We left at 1:00 am and he was still playing! What a guy! On our way out we got a coke! Ahhh, liquid diet ruination!
The boys were camping in Ocotillo Wells, so we met them there instead of driving home. Camping is not great for healthy eating when I was not there to pack the food. Cokes are a big problem for me and I think I have actually addicted to them at several points in my life. So I think I had maybe 5 or 6 of them on Sat. and 3 on Sun. The horror! The calories and sugar!
I drank some detox tea on Sun. when I got home, drank a huge glass of water, ate some oatmeal for dinner, and took a fiber chew to get me started again!
It is back to work for me today, so I will be trapped in a classroom with only myself to help make my own choices!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Eight Pounds Gone

I actually weighed at the right time today and got a true weight reading. Eight pounds down from my starting weight this time!
I am redecorating a bathroom on my Spring break which is keeping me busy. Along with that I am repurposing (my new favorite word) some drapery panels from my family to the living room. Yeah me! I am going to sew them now to keep busy.
Kids are having fun with friends and making pizza soon too, so I need to go get something that will assure that I am not hungry when it starts smelling good!